Editors: MIAO Jiang 妙江, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, KUAN Guang 寬廣, and FO Hu 佛護
ISBN: 978-981-14-5736-4
Date of Publication: 2020-05-01Pages: 595
Qingliang shan yu Huayang jing: Disan jie Wutaishan xinyang guoji xueshu yantaohui lunwenji 清涼山、《華嚴經》與文殊信仰: 第三屆五台山信仰國際學術研討會論文集 [Mount Qingliang, Huayan jing and the Mañjuśrī Cult: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Wutaishan Faith]. Wutaishan Dongfang Fojiao Wenhua Yanjiuyuan shuxi 五台山東方佛教文化研究院書系 [Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture Series] III. Edited by MIAO Jiang 妙江, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇, KUAN Guang 寬廣, and FO Hu 佛護, 2020.
A very significant hallmark of the East Asian Buddhist tradition, especially the Mahayana Buddhist tradition, is that its development tends to be combined with certain specific Buddhist scriptures. For instance, this characteristic is found in the Tiantai school with the Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra and in the Huayan school with the Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra. This form of religious belief tends to have a particular Buddhist ideology as its core, elite scholar monks as its leaders, and a particular form of religious worship. Thus, in East Asian Buddhist beliefs, too, there is a subsystem of Buddhism that gradually formed from the cult of Mañjuśrī, the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra, and the Wutai Mountains in present-day Shanxi Province. It eventually took a stable form and became a self-contained Buddhist belief system. After a prolonged evolutionary process, however, these three have become profoundly influential over a broad area and a long period of time in East Asia after the medieval period.
In order to systematically study the interconnection between these three and to be able to study in greater depth the integral dynamic between this unique Buddhist system and the social life of East Asia since the Medieval period, we organized a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary conference entitled ‘A Study of Mañjuśrī Beliefs, Mount Wutai, and the Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra’ from August 8–11, 2017. During the three-day conference, dozens of scholars and experts from many countries conducted in-depth research on this field and held dynamic discussions.
The collection of papers resulting from this conference, published here, is divided into five chapters and contains seventeen articles, and discusses many important issues from the above-mentioned topics.
總序 五臺山東方佛教文化研究院書系
釋妙江序 清涼山、《華嚴經》與文殊信仰: 第三屆五臺山信仰國際學術研討會文集
1.1 李通玄對五臺山文殊信仰弘化之貢獻
侯慧明1.2 法藏的真如與種姓:《寶性論》與《地持經》的位置
李子捷1.3 施肉與斷肉:《華嚴經》中的倫理緊張
2.1 論行十五字《華嚴經》在西域的流傳及其與遼藏的關係
傅及斯2.2 八十卷《華嚴經》譯場考:以《風峪石經》的譯場記為主
陳金華2.3 文殊菩薪名號翻譯與身份認同
3.1 山西壽陽縣新發現的新樣文殊造像及相關問題討論
許棟3.2 五臺靈石與文殊七尊像一一日本比叡山文殊樓的營建及相關問題探究
張書彬3.3 僧傳·志怪.佛經一一從志怪傳說看五臺山神聖性的確立
4.1 謝靈運《辨宗論》所見晉譯《華嚴》之影響
洪綿綿4.2 臨濟宗與《華嚴經》的交匯之處:《臨濟宗旨》之中的《華嚴經》研究
記強4.3 長水子璿的《起信論》觀與宋代華嚴思想
5.1 五臺山與南亞僧人:以斯里蘭卡為中心
索畢德5.2 復活的朝聖:1874 年日本僧的五臺山之旅
陳繼東5.3 佛教中國化與韓國古代五臺山文殊信仰的傳播
郭磊5.4 五臺山與新羅佛教一一以“海東靈鷲山和海東五臺山”爲主
朴鍾茂5.5 義天淨源及懺法與北宋華嚴宗的復興