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Editors: SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇 and SHI Xingding 釋行定
ISBN: 978-9-811-45915-3
Date of Publication: 2020-05-30

Pages: 1–293 (vol. 1), 296–649 (vol. 2)


    Cong Chang’an dao Nalantuo: Xuanzang (602?–664) de shengping yu yichan 從長安到那爛陀:玄奘 (602?–664) 的生平與遺產 [From Chang’an to Nālandā: The Life and Legacy of the Xuanzang (602?–664)]. Mingshan dasi xilie 名山大寺書系 [Series on Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries] V. 2 vols. Edited by SHI Ciguang 釋慈光, CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, JI Yun 紀贇 and SHI Xingding 釋行定, 2020.


    Xuanzang was a unique figure in Chinese history who was able to have a profound impact on monks and lay followers, the elite and the general public, the bureaucracy and the common people, the entire East Asian and South Asian world, and the history and reality of the seventh century onward. In the monastic world, he was a once-in-a-millennium monk who was not only extremely learned but also a devoted practitioner, thus inspiring generations of monks from all over the world. For lay people, even if they were not Buddhists, Xuanzang’s character was worthy of study. In terms of academic significance, Xuanzang’s outstanding translation achievements, his faithful introduction and profound understanding of the latest ideas in Indian Buddhism and logic, and his founding of the widely influential Yogācāra school have been well established in past academic studies. In folklore, he had been gradually sanctified since the day of his death, and eventually evolved into numerous legends until he became a household name with the image of the Tang monk in Journey to the West. During his lifetime, Xuanzang was worshipped by emperors and dignitaries, and since his death, he has become an object of worship for thousands of people. But even so, there are still many enigmas surrounding this remarkable figure who lived more than fourteen hundred years ago that remain to be studied.


    Therefore, from August 16–19, 2018, we held the First International Conference on Xuanzang and Silk Road Culture. Soon after the conference, we collected meticulously drafted papers by some of the participants and published them in both Chinese and English. A total of thirteen papers in English are included in these proceedings, which are just one part of this conference’s achievements.


    總序   “名山大寺”:中國神聖空間叢書
    陳金華 CHEN Jinhua

    序一   弘揚玄奘文化、增進國際交往首屆玄奘與絲路文化國際研討會論文集
    釋慈光 SHI Ciguang

    序二   從長安到那爛陀:玄奘(602 ?-664)的生平與遺產首屆玄奘與絲路文化國際研討會論文集
    陳金華 CHEN Jinhua




    1.1   《成唯識論》“糅譯”的假設性再探
    山部能宜 YAMABE Nobuyoshi

    1.2   生命延續:玄奘對世親和眾賢有關生命延續的文獻的翻譯
    白立冰  Ernest Billings BREWSTER

    1.3   玄奘譯《阿毗達磨俱舍論》的翻譯問題
    吳蔚琳 WU Weilin

    1.4   玄奘翻譯《佛地經論》和《成唯識論》的意圖
    長谷川岳史 HASEGAWA Takeshi



    2.1   也談《大唐西域記》的“闕文”問題
    王邦維 WANG Bangwei

    2.2   《大慈恩寺三藏法師傳》成書問題再探
    張婷 ZHANG Ting

    2.3   “豐厚翻譯”(Thick Translation)與中華古籍外譯——以英譯《大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳》為例
    王欣 WANG Xin



    3.1   《大唐西域記》的日本接受史——以說草、繪卷及說話類書為中心
    小峯和明 KOMINE Kazuaki

    3.2   《大唐西域記》中的佛教故事及其圖像在絲綢之路的流傳
    陳明 CHEN Ming

    3.3   淺談東亞佛教的世界觀——從《大唐西域記》到《玄奘三藏繪》
    高陽 GAO Yang

    3.4   背景與文本:玄奘和《大唐西域記》的歷史化
    伍國  WU Guo

    3.5   瓜州東千佛洞、榆林窟中的唐僧取經圖
    于碩 YU Shuo

    3.6   玄奘對觀音信仰的新證據——以甘肅民樂童子寺石窟西遊記與觀音救難壁畫為例
    張利明 ZHANG Liming




    4.1   唯識宗體用觀新探
    曹 彥 CAO Yan

    4.2   玄奘歸朝以前中國佛教的種姓 ( 性) 說——以《菩薩瓔珞本業經》爲中心
    李子捷 LI Zijie

    4.3   玄奘及其門下弟子勝莊的菩薩戒思想初探
    林佩瑩 LIN Pei-ying



    5.1   玄奘有關海上絲路的記載
    薛克翹 XUE Keqiao

    5.2   玄奘譯經與唐初三教論衡
    劉林魁 LIU Linkui

    5.3   讖緯、信仰與慈恩之衰——再論法相唯識宗衰亡問題
    楊劍霄 YANG Jianxiao

    5.4   南京玄奘遺骨的發現及其“東遊記”
    坂井田夕起子 SAKAIDA Yukiko



    6.1   異物志:龜茲方物的文化想象與中古時代的世界圖景
    余欣 YU Xin

    6.2   人主之地、象主之國:大唐語境下玄奘的世界圖景
    紀贇 JI Yun

    6.3   論禪宗語錄中玄奘形象的傳播與接受
    邱蔚華 QIU Weihua

    6.4   玄奘筆下的印度佛教圖書館
    王翔 WANG Xiang

    6.5   《大唐西域記》所見西域錢幣考
    袁煒 YUAN Wei



    7.1   2014–2018 年玄奘研究綜述
    李海波 LI Haibo




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