Editors: 何日生、陳金華
ISBN: 978-981-14-7263-3
Date of Publication: 2020-09-01Pages: 496
Shan jingji: Fojiao jingjixue de lishi beijing yu xiandai zhanwang 善經濟:佛教經濟學的歷史背景與現代展望 [Good Economy: Historical Backgrounds and Modern Perspectives for Buddhist Economics]. Shanxue yanjiu congshu 善學研究叢書 [Goodness Studies Series] I. Co-edited by CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 and Rey-Sheng HER 何日生, 2020.
Religion and economics are both part of the sensual and rational activities of human historical phenomena in the secular world, and naturally, they intersect and continue to interact with each other. The economics of Buddhism is a fairly new, cross-cutting field of study and is receiving increasing attention from academics across the globe. Throughout history, monasteries and monastic orders have been an important economic agent for their communities, societies, and countries. Through both compassionate and merit-based fundraising and business ventures, Buddhism has been able to reach out to all sectors of society, and this has laid the foundation for its sustainability.
Buddhist economics is also a frontier in Buddhist studies because it often involves the collection of inscriptions on stelae, the Dunhuang and Turfan manuscripts, and so on, in addition to the regular transmitted literature, which makes it very challenging. In order to improve the exchange and communication between scholars from various countries who are focused on the field of Buddhist economics, we convened the international conference on ‘Buddhism and Business, Markets and Merit: The Interaction between Buddhism and Economics in Ancient and Modern Times’ from June 16 to 18, 2017.
This volume contains twelve papers, mainly Chinese ones presented at the conference, and Chinese translations of some English articles.
總序 善學研究叢書
何日生、陳金華代序 善經濟:佛教經濟學的歷史背景與現代展望
1.1 公元305 至435 年間印度僧侶的南海航行:海上絲路與中印交流
胡海燕1.2 佛教寺院制度的商業模式:獲取生產性資產
叔本1.3 佛教的組織理論
佐佐木閒1.4 如何賺取與使用金錢:來自印度古典文獻的故事
2.1 中古早期中國南方地區普通僧人的生計
魯西奇2.2 施出才擁有:中古中國的無盡藏與不讓渡之資財
史翰文2.3 九世紀長安的佛教與商業:圓仁《入唐求法巡禮行記》研究
妹尾達彥2.4 唯佛堪授軍功:唐代宗營佛養僧論
楊增2.5 財富的秘密與神靈的角色:前現代日本小說與實踐中的經濟
3.1 善經濟:經濟生活的善性與道德
何日生3.2 以智慧為本的經濟學理論:佛教經濟學
張錫峰3.3 無盡藏的現代經濟學意義