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Editors: ZHAN Ru 湛如 and CHEN Jinhua 陳金華
ISBN: 978-981-14-9266-2
Date of Publication: 2020-12-15

Pages: 386


    Shi yun chunqiu: Zhongya yu Dongya Fojiao beiming de zhizao, baocun yu jiedu 石蘊春秋:中亞與東亞佛教碑銘的製作、保存與解讀 [History Embedded into the Stone: Production and Preservation of Buddhist Manuscripts in Central and East Asia]. Edited by ZHAN Ru 湛如 and CHEN Jinhua 陳金華, 2021.


    Buddhism originated in India, but due to the emphasis on oral transmission in the Indian religious environment and the unique Indian conception of history distinct from that in China, it is often difficult to arrive at a precise historical understanding of key figures and events. Facing this challenge, inscriptions and other archaeological sources prove their irreplaceable value. Among the inscriptions discovered in the Indian subcontinent, a great many are related to Buddhism, the study of which has provided the foundation for studying the history, philosophy, society and various other aspects of Indian and South Asian Buddhism.


    Our situation ameliorates when it comes to the study of Chinese history because, by and large, Chinese culture values written records and, unlike India, used to have a ‘culture of court historians’. But even then, inscriptions still play a fundamental role in various fields of Buddhist Studies; Buddhist inscriptions have been amply studied by international scholars, with numerous important outcomes already published.


    Motivated by the above considerations, we hosted from August 20th to 21st, 2019, a conference titled ‘Manufacturing, Preservation and Interpretation of Buddhist Metal and Stone Epitaphs in Central and East Asia’ at St Anne’s College at the University of Oxford, in our efforts to promote the academic research of Buddhist inscriptions. In this conference, twenty-two scholars from Europe, North America, and East Asia engaged in fruitful exchange of such disciplines as archaeology, history and sociology. We have collected and edited twelve of the conference papers and published them in this collection.


    總序   華林佛學研究書系
    湛如 ZHAN Ru

    序   石蘊春秋:中亞與東亞佛教碑銘的製作、保存與解讀
    陳金華 CHEN Jinhua



    1.1   炳靈寺169 窟第6 龕的年代問題——兼及有關佛經的形成和流傳時間
    韋正 WEI Zheng

    1.2   王維書幢的發現及其與龍門地區佛教文化的因緣
    張乃翥 ZHANG Naizhu、張成渝 ZHANG Chengyu

    1.3   遼代薊州地區佛寺碑刻造像流布與信仰調查研究——以干像寺為中心
    王珺 WANG Jun


    2.1   阿彌陀佛五十菩薩像文獻考辨
    孫明利 SUN Mingli

    2.2   道㲀《顯密圓通成佛心要》新考
    劉泳斯 LIU  Yongsi

    2.3   房山石經《一乘法界圖合詩一印》發微
    張雪松 ZHANG Xuesong

    2.4   反對碑文:重回禪宗和歷史
    巴瑞特 T. H. BARRETT


    3.1   顏真卿與律學譜系的建構:以《撫州寶應寺律藏院戒壇記》為中心
    陳金華 CHEN Jinhua

    3.2   墳山、祠祀、士紳網絡構建與佛教的制度性轉換:以新加坡蓮山雙林寺碑銘為基礎
    紀贇 JI Yun


    4.1   《慧光墓誌》所見北朝戒律學的展開
    陳志遠 CHEN Zhiyuan

    4.2   布髮掩泥的北齊皇帝:中古時期燃燈佛授記的宗教政治意涵
    孫英剛 SUN Yinggang

    4.3   宋《大安塔碑銘》疏證
    馮國棟 FENG Guodong




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